Dr Hassina Kajee

Dr Hassina Kajee

specialist physician (UCT)

Hassina Kajee is a specialist physician having qualified at UCT in 2012 after 3 years on the registrar program. At the time,  she was pregnant with her first child.

During her registrar time, she founded the ‘Part One Refresher Course for Physicians’ for Postgraduate students writing their primary exam in Internal Medicine. The pass rate for this exam was at an all time low and having being unsuccessful at her first attempt, she realised that there were many potential reasons for the poor pass rate after being successful at the second attempt.

The course was welcomed by junior registrars both nationally and internationally. The pass rate improved dramatically and this course is now seen as the ‘must do course’ prior to attempting the exam.  Dr Kajee was awarded the prestigious Oates Award by the University for her work in this regard.

Dr Kajee has always been passionate about health and empowering her patients with knowledge and understanding of their bodies as well as educating her patients about better lifestyle choices.

Whilst running the High Care Unit as a Specialist Physician at Groote Schuur hospital, it became painfully clear to her just how dire the obesity crisis is! Whilst on maternity leave with baby number two, she joined forces with The Noakes Foundation and co-founded Eat Better South Africa- the community arm of The Noakes Foundation that implements affordable low carb interventions in the community. On returning to work, it became clear to her that her path lay in maintaining health and disease prevention rather than disease management. She experienced first hand how desperate patients and staff were to change their lifestyles after running successful interventions for patients as well as staff.

After much contemplation and burning the candle at both ends by continuing her work and running clinics and interventions at the same time, she made the painful decision to resign in order to focus fully on chronic disease prevention.

Dr Kajee now also holds a qualification in Integrative Medicine and is due to start her Integrative Disease Prevention/Reversal Practice based in Noordhoek in early 2018.

In addition she is a director on the board of trustees of The Noakes Foundation and has recently co-founded The Nutrition Network along with Prof. Tim Noakes and Dr Neville Wellington. The Nutrition Network is the education arm of The Noakes Foundation.

She continues in her advisory capacity on the Board of TNF as well as in the community interventions via Eat Better South Africa.
